Dept. of Physical Education

Education Career


Modern educational philosophy accepts the facts that learning takes place by doing and that education is a lifelong process of change or modification of behaviour which goes on from birth to death. Each new experience adds to the sum total knowledge gained by an individual. The national policy of education states that physical education is an integral part of total learning process. Here, the department of physical education provides ample opportunity and facilities to every pupil to actively participate in physical education programme. Education is no longer considered as a vast sea of mental aerobatics, but has to help in developing an individual who is physically fit, mentally sound, emotionally balanced and socially well adjusted. The department helps in developing the total personality of the pupil, thus ensuring balanced development of factors which constitutes the personality.

In the present era, with the increase in hypokinetic diseases like heart diseases, blood pressure and the prevalence of stress in the society has reinforced the need for creating awareness of the importance of physical education and the need for regular participation in scientific programmes of physical education. Grace marks, trophies and certificates will be awarded by the University to the students who excel in the field of sports and games.